Why Eating A Frog Will Make You More Productive

No. I don’t mean literally eating a frog, although it’s a nutritious delicacy in some parts of the world. And neither is it a code name for some type of hallucinogen. The term ‘eating a frog’ refers to the act of completing the most undesirable and difficult task of the day, first thing in the…

5 Ways Technology Limits Your Super Human Abilities

I’m all for technology. In fact, I love technology. I’ve scrapped my written task list for an electronic, web-based version which I can never lose or misplace. And that’s just one of the functions I use my third generation iPad for. Overall, it has made me a more efficient wife and mother; I can shop…

7 Life Lessons You Can Learn From An Ant

“What can an ant teach me?” I hear you ask. You’d be surprised. Generally, the easiest way to live life is to learn from others’ past failures and accomplishments. It is, however, more challenging to take advice from someone who has not yet benefited from their own solutions, like a homeless man giving a talk…