Why Reading Will Make You Remarkable

Each book has a set of answers contained inside. In fact, our most common problems can be explained quite simply in the text printed on each page. So why don’t we read more? Well, for some us reading an entire book has the equivalent entertainment value as waiting in the doctors surgery while being coughed…

Planning is the Root of all Achievement

Life is a series of plans which have been created and then executed. Whether we, our parents, employers and even total strangers have made plans for us, we are living out that blueprint and dealing with the associated consequences. The idea of planning is to prepare ourselves for a life that we wish to create.…

To Be Successful, You Need An Obsession

You have an obsession when an idea takes over your thoughts and decides not to budge from your conscience. There are times, however, that this idea will willingly step back and allow other thoughts to move to the forefront of your mind. But almost predictably this obsessive idea will bully its way back to the front. Now…

Why Eating A Frog Will Make You More Productive

No. I don’t mean literally eating a frog, although it’s a nutritious delicacy in some parts of the world. And neither is it a code name for some type of hallucinogen. The term ‘eating a frog’ refers to the act of completing the most undesirable and difficult task of the day, first thing in the…